We are

Decom srl si occupa della realizzazione di manufatti di carpenteria metalmeccanica medio-pesante destinati al mondo industriale.

Decom srl deals with the production of medium-heavy metalworking carpentry products for the industrial world.


Via Firmio Leonzio, 12 - Salerno


+39 089 461419

News EN Decom EN Events

Decom srl at the “B2B Mare La Spezia”

Present at the “B2B Mare La Spezia” event on November 24 organized by Confindustria La Spezia and Cna La Spezia.

“For several years we have been allocating a modest portion of our turnover to the sea economy. With a view to diversifying our business, we strongly believe in the shipbuilding sector and today was an opportunity to meet new potential partners in this world”, the words of our director, Ing. Vincenzo De Simone.

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