We are

Decom srl si occupa della realizzazione di manufatti di carpenteria metalmeccanica medio-pesante destinati al mondo industriale.

Decom srl deals with the production of medium-heavy metalworking carpentry products for the industrial world.


Via Firmio Leonzio, 12 - Salerno


+39 089 461419

News EN Decom EN

Decom srl for sustainability: the BIO.M.A.T. prototype created thanks to the Horizon 2020 call in collaboration with UNINA has been completed

The BIOMAT project, funded under the Horizon 2020 program, has just ended, which saw Decom srl engage in the realization of the prototype of a biocompactator plant able to manage and control the development of the natural composting process of organic waste. The prototype was built to ensure full compliance with the optimal transformation conditions […]

News EN Decom EN

Decom srl supports Sport and its values!

After two years characterized by hiccup activities for the whole world of non-professional sport, competitions have finally restarted for all sports disciplines. In support of this recovery, Decom srl, which believes in the social importance of sport, has decided to finance the activities of Arechi Rugby, a local team whose home resides in the historic […]

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