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Decom srl si occupa della realizzazione di manufatti di carpenteria metalmeccanica medio-pesante destinati al mondo industriale.

Decom srl deals with the production of medium-heavy metalworking carpentry products for the industrial world.


Via Firmio Leonzio, 12 - Salerno


+39 089 461419

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Decom srl for sustainability: the BIO.M.A.T. prototype created thanks to the Horizon 2020 call in collaboration with UNINA has been completed

The BIOMAT project, funded under the Horizon 2020 program, has just ended, which saw Decom srl engage in the realization of the prototype of a biocompactator plant able to manage and control the development of the natural composting process of organic waste.

The prototype was built to ensure full compliance with the optimal transformation conditions for different type of organic waste, conditions identified thanks to the results of the laboratory tests previously carried out. In this regard, the collaboration established with the Department of Agriculture (DIA) of the Federico II University of Naples was fundamental.

To achieve these goals, the composter uses a different vision of the transformation process, which represents the real innovative component compared to similar products on the market.

From the point of view of industrial initiative, the factors of competitiveness are, on the other hand, essentially identifiable in the possibility of offering a plant:

  • efficient, reliable and fully automatic;
  • industrially reproducible;
  • ecological and with reduced environmental impact;
  • transportable.

Following a necessary and future phase of industrialization, the biocompomator can be proposed to potential customers (small municipalities, accommodation facilities, food industries, etc.) as a system for optimizing the disposal of organic waste and efficient and economic management of their organic processing waste.

For them, the plant represents an important alternative to the classic disposal at landfills, with the additional advantage of being able to obtain compost from waste, a safe and hygienic product, resalable as it can be used as a natural fertilizer of high quality, which can fully replace mineral fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium and partly those based on nitrogen.

In addition, the positive effects from an environmental point of view are evident, which include the improvement of the percentage of separate collection and a reduction in the costs of operational management of waste, due to the particular configuration of the plant, which ensures the continuity of the transformation process and at the same time a certain simplicity of use.

Even with all the problems that had to be addressed during the course of the project, the results achieved can be considered positive and more than satisfactory. Thanks to this and other initiatives, Decom srl also proves to have a Green heart and to work continuously to bring its contribution in favor of sustainability and respect for the environment.

Here are some photos taken during the construction and testing phases of the prototype:

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