We are

Decom srl si occupa della realizzazione di manufatti di carpenteria metalmeccanica medio-pesante destinati al mondo industriale.

Decom srl deals with the production of medium-heavy metalworking carpentry products for the industrial world.


Via Firmio Leonzio, 12 - Salerno


+39 089 461419

News EN Decom EN

Decom srl wishes everyone Happy Holidays!

It has been an intense year during which we have experienced moments of joy and satisfaction and others in which dedication and perseverance have allowed us to overcome some obstacles.

First of all, it was the year of the transfer of our production site aggravated by the complex pandemic context that slowed down all the passing activities. Keeping the production rhythms constant has been a challenge accepted and won thanks to the teamwork that has always distinguished our way of operating.

It was the year of great satisfaction for having achieved ISO 29001:2020 as the first Italian company certified with ACCREDIA accreditation, thus giving prestige to our management system for the Oil & Gas sector. Quality always remains a fundamental point of our business.

It was the year in which we went further, with the creation of the heaviest artifact ever built in the history of Decom srl. The knowledge and competence of our collaborators combined with the potential of the new plant allow us to move to new destinations and open increasingly stimulating horizons.

A special thanks goes to the customers, suppliers and collaborators who have contributed along the way, with the hope of spending a peaceful Christmas and recharging the energies in view of an even more lively 2022, without ever forgetting the one who laid the foundations for all this, who, unfortunately, during this year has left us, but who still continues to live perennially in the memories and hearts of the great Decom family.

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